Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Vibrant Colors of Christmas

 The festive season of Christmas has always been vibrant with the colors of celebrations. Either the customary color of the tree, where dresses and blouses come in different shades of Green or in the traditional color Red which never fails to dazzle a woman’s look as she enters a party.

These days the festive color trends are also bending to Silver and Gold where more and more brands are introducing their Xmas line in these 2 party colors! With new years eve parties lining up, the added glamour provided by these 2 party colors have also become a favorite choice amongst the ladies.

Vikrish boutique proudly offers its very own collection of ensembles in the colors of celebration. View our collection…

With this, we would like to wish you a fabulous Christmas and a fantastic new year…Remember fashion is not a market trend…fashion is YOU!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Match your Make Up with your Saree

Your appearance has a strong effect on representing your personality. The art of make-up demands your creativity and imagination at each step. Many of the make-up experts often neglect the fact that the make-up should change in accordance with the attires that you have adorned. Here is the exclusive guide for you to make your make up perfect.

Saree is the modest and fabulous attire that any Indian woman loves to wear for any festive occasion. The make-up must be traditional, elegant and at the same time gorgeous.

You must not forget to have matching and glittering accessories for your saree. Start to put the make up before you wear theses accessories and saree. Follow the regular pattern like cleanser, foundation cream, toner etc.

Do avoid really dark colour lipsticks and lip colours while you adorn the saree. It is suggestible to draw your lips with a light colour lip pencil and to apply the same lip shade in it. Now glow your lips with a dark colour lip-gloss.The most accentuating feature on your face with a fabulous saree must be the eyes. You must not forget the wonder of beautiful 'bindi" as you finish your make up. The shape of the bindi must go along with the shape of your face. Now, get into the planned hairstyle as you are finishing the make up on your face.

The final touches for the make-up while you wear you a saree, consists of the body art. You must not forget to repeat the toner that you have applied on face on your arms and neck too! Voila! You are ready to look no less than a Diva!

Use the right accessories with your Saree

Saree is obviously a great Indian wear. It is worn as daily wear and on special occasions. With only right Indian fashion accessories, the full grace of saree can be brought out. Let me share with you on how to choose the right accessories to fit your Saree!

Women Jewellery
Women and jewellery are like synonymous terms. Women jewellery gives grace to the outfit. So, wear jewellery according to your saree and occasion. If you wear plain cotton sarees for going to office then do not wear with heavy gold jewellery, it will be a big fashion mistake. If you want to wear gold jewellery then wear light jewelery- a light dangle earring or a stud earring with simple gold chain and maximum gold bangles will look decent, trust me.

Hand Bags
Hand Bags have its own importance that has turned to be a good style statement. They are needed to carry all your tit bits. Designer bags embellished can be avoided with pearls, beads, sequins etc. with your office wear sarees. They are meant for festivals, parties and other occasions. Leather bags can work with any kind of saree. They can be uses in parties and office.

Ladies Sandals
The ladies sandals are one of the important accessories to be worn with sarees. You should wear high heels with your party sarees. Always wear sandals before starting to wrap your saree. This will definitely make the length of saree according to your gained height because of the sandals.

I wish these tips would play an important role in your good dressing sense.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Saree Buying tips – Choose the right saree according to your body size and shape

Have you ever attended an Indian wedding? Women busily moving here and there in colorful sarees is definitely a visual treat. Want to own a beautiful saree but do not know how to choose one? Choosing a saree to elevate your beauty is an art. Become an expert in this art. Even a small variation in color, design and pattern can have an impact in the way you dress up.

Skinny women may think they are not sexy as they do not have voluptous curves. However a saree can make even skinny women look sexy if you choose the right fabric like tussar silk, cotton, organza and tissue.  Such fabrics will make your figure look fuller and make you look sexier. Saree in these fabrics will not stick to your body and hence are ideal for women who are very thin.

In contrast if you are slightly overweight, do not wear sarees with heavily emblished contrasting borders. Such designs make you look shorter. Also sarees that have too many bold prints and color contrasts are not ideal for short women. If you are slightly short, you can opt for sarees in chiffon, georgette or silk in monochromatic colors.  Such colors will make you look tall and slimmer. Ensure you drape your saree in the right way. A badly draped saree on short women can make you look shoddy and stout. Now you are ready to choose the saree which suits your body! Goodluck and reveal the desi girl in you!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fashion Tips – How to look slimmer on your Indian clothing

Who doesn't want to look slim and gorgeous! If you are very heavy or a slight heavier- its always best to cut off your fat and lose weight but by the time you achieve your goal and be really slim, follow these tips to look slim while wearing the adorable Indian women clothing!

First of all, remember to always highlight your body assets. Look in the mirror, ask your friends, do anything but discover your "pretty area" – everyone has at least one of it. It can be a firm and ample bust, round hips, a small waist, long thin legs or toned arms- anything. When wearing clothes, try to accentuate these parts and camouflage the faults. Secondly, when buying salwar kameez, avoid large patterns, polka dots or horizontal stripes. Vertical stripes, small dots and delicate prints give slimmer look. 

Make sure that you Choose your saree and lehengas carefully. A plain sari with a good border and pallu, without any prints give a slimmer look. Heavy silk or brocade saree give a bulky look. Chiffon, Georgette, and delicately hand embroidered sarees give slender look to the wearer. On the accessories side, long earrings and a thin long chain around the neck with a pendant gives a slim tall look.

Most importantly, do not feel bad about your body. Nothing looks more beautiful than a confident lady. Feel good about yourself and it is ensured that you will look the best you can be!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

5 Cara Mudah Menggunakan 'Saree' India

Wanita yang mengenakan Saree mencerminkan kepribadian feminin dan keanggunan. Tapi bagi kebanyakan orang, memakai Saree bisa sangat merepotkan. Sebenarnya tidak banyak orang yang mengetahui bahwa teknik menggunakan Saree juga merupakan bentuk seni. Saree yang dipakai dengan benar dapat membentuk kepribadian menarik tetapi apabila dipakai dengan salah dapat merusak penampilan keseluruhan wanita. Berikut adalah beberapa langkah mudah dalam menggunakan Saree ala india.

Untuk memakai Saree, hal pertama yang harus dipakai adalah blus ketat dan rok panjang yang panjangnya mencapai ujung kaki. Setelah itu, ambil Saree dan selipkan ujung dataran ke dalam rok, dan pastikan seluruh Saree berada dibagian kiri anda. Saree harus menyentuh kaki anda, tetapi pastikan juga Saree tidak akan menggangu Anda saat berjalan. Buatlah beberapa lingkaran Saree desekitar pinggang anda sambil membawanya ke sisi kanan anda. Sekarang Anda harus membuat lipatan yang dapat berupa ukuran kecil atau ukuran besar, tergantung kenyamanan dan gaya yang anda inginkan. Gabungkan seluruh lipatan secara berseragam sehingga membuat mereka lurus dan kemudian diselipkan ke dalam rok. Pastikan bahwa seluruh lipatan harus berpaling ke sisi kiri. Sekali lagi membawa sisa Saree dengan putaran lengkap dari kiri ke kanan dan menggantungkan dari bahu anda dan ditampilkan dalam gambar. Voila! Hanya dalam beberapa menit Saree Anda telah siap melingkar di tubuh cantik anda!